About Me

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Nebraska, United States
A former full-time teacher living her life-long dream of staying at home. And homeschooling to boot! Comments make my day. Thanks for stopping by! kimlepper at gmail.com

Friday, November 27, 2015

Family Feud!

Ok, so we were on and won.  WOOT!  Sam's response when we were watching it was "YOU WON ALL THOSE NUMBERS?!?!?"  Jeremy and I played the fast money round and did GREAT.  The second episode we lost by ONE answer to the last question (but really, every episode comes down to the last question, as it doesn't really matter how many points you have- the last question gives you enough to win if you are losing!)  Jeremy and I were in the back and we would have won another 20K had we been playing the Fast Money round...grr....LUBE!!!!  WHY didn't we go with that!

I was very blessed- my off periods matched up with the TV showing and Sam didn't have school that day AND my mom was watching them so she dropped them off so I got to watch it with them!

The Faculty crowd that joined for the viewing.  I guess they showed it in the cafeteria as well so all the students who had the first lunch got to watch it too!  

Anyway, if you missed it, e-mail me :)

Also, remember we have LOTS of medical bills and a HUGE mound of student loans, so 20K/5 after taxes isn't much...but I guess lots of severly over-weight-middle-aged men who have some problems with respect for women (I glanced at their posts) don't get that and still wanted to be my "friend" on facebook.  HELLOOOOOO new privacy settings!  Poor Amanda got up to 26 requests before she managed to lock things down!

Thursday, November 26, 2015


 Amanda has been dating this guy for a while now...Levi has become one of the family- he's quirky and loves food/beer as much as Jeremy.  Actually, we call Levi "Jeremy" and Jeremy "Levi" by accident whenever we have family gatherings (at least weekly).  It's scary, really.

He loves Charlotte as much as Amanda loves Samantha.  And loves both our girls like his own- so we like him :)  We're going to have a LOT of babysitting "payback" when they start having kids!  Which I'm very much looking forward to!

The ring is AMAZING and very unique- just like these two.  The date is set for September 23rd- Luckily Amanda will be 21 by then.

Yep, she's only 20, but he's 23?  And they act like their 30 and 33, so it's all good!  
Ah, Young Love!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


So far, this pregnancy has been "easier" than the rest.  We feel like pro's at the first trimester (this is our FIFTH...so weird saying that!) so we know the drill.  Lots of high protein snacks every 45 min-2 hrs.  Be prepared for constant hunger for nothing we have in the house.  Do NOT buy anything in bulk, no matter how much I loved it one day.  For a week, all I could stomach was Chipotle.  Then one day I gagged when Jer said the word "tacos" and that was the end of that run.  
But the exhaustion.  I'm generally a person who could sleep all day. Jeremy says it's because I never stop when I'm awake.  So during 1st trimesters I'm a zombie.  I could sleep all day and still pass out on the couch an hour after waking up.  So it's hard on the girls and Jeremy.  My classrooms go a little out of control, as I'm just not on top of things.  When I come home, I can't be around food prep, so I hold the girls off with snacks and tv while I pass out on the couch and wait for my night in shining armor to come home.
Jeremy is oh-so-patient and reminds me that yes, I will get back to my ol' over achieving self soon.  And yes, the exhaustion does end.  

Then ...one day, I wake up!
And I do all the cleaning that I havn't done for 2 months!
This time I looked down and said, "Oh!  Hi there!  When did you pop?"

12 weeks- that's a bump, yo!

13 weeks
It's so much easier to see in real life.  I didn't show this much with the other 2 until 16+ weeks.
Also, ORANGES.  Can't get enough of them.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


I looked up from helping Jer with dinner and I saw this...

Later, as I sat grading, I look over to see this...

How big you are, and yet so small!  I had to wean your sister at 15 months due to struggles with mastitis and my waitressing job.  I thought she was "old enough".  You are 10 months older and I was still thinking you were too young.  You were a champ when we told you your binky was "all gone" but you continue to whimper in the morning when I tell you my milk is still "all gone".  Oh, how it breaks my heart.  There was just nothing left- and it hurt!  I suffered through it in March with the miscarriage, but this time my milk really has dried up.  I'm sorry, baby.  I promise to let you cuddle in the mornings in bed with me for as long as you want!

Monday, November 23, 2015


 A little late, but we had a great Halloween!
Papa stopped by and Amanda joined us for the early round of trick-or-treating dressed as a cactus!

GG joined us in costume for the second round (driving around to friends') as well...

I dressed up the day before at school...I still had to explain it to some students!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

All Saint's Day

 There is a Saint's Parade for the first graders.  They dress up as a saint, memorize a 3-4 sentence summary and then say it at the podium in the church in front of a FULL CROWD.    She was Our Lady of Guadalupe again, but the costume was a little more detailed (ie no pj's tied around her head this year)
Charlotte is her little mimicking shadow

He class- she convinced the teacher to let her "prop" be a doll I made of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Last year!

Ram Sam Sam

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lil Sister

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers