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Nebraska, United States
A former full-time teacher living her life-long dream of staying at home. And homeschooling to boot! Comments make my day. Thanks for stopping by! kimlepper at gmail.com

Saturday, March 28, 2009

32-33 weeks Battle of the Bulge

Sorry I missed last week! Jer was gone on a Youth ski trip and I was in Nebraska. Amanda (my sister), who is a budding photographer, was going to take some belly pics, but we never got to it.

Anyway, both weeks have pretty much been the same. The babe loves flaunting his/her stuff. I get a bum that is always trying to come out my side. Pushing it really doesn't help as it just pushes the head into my bladder!

I spent a lot of time with Lucy this weekend. At one point I tried to explain to her some symptoms of pregnancy.

Me, "I'm getting my hair cut today! It's grown a lot. It use to be this short." (I showed her where it use to be.)
Lucy, "My hair grows fast too! As soon as they cut it I wash it and then it grows again."
Me, "Well, my hair and fingernails have been growing really fast because I'm pregnant."
Lucy, "What's pregnant?"
Me, "It's when you're going to have a baby"
Lucy, "Mommy's hair and fingernails grow fast, does that mean she is going to have a baby?"
Me, "No, some people's hair just grows fast, even when they aren't going to have a baby."
Lucy, "Amanda's hair grows fast too..."
Me, "No, Amanda's not going to have a baby either...just Kimmy."
Lucy, "Mine grows fast, but I'm not going to have a baby."
Me, "Right."

I really hope that conversation doesn't have repercussions later...

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Nice. Speaking of interesting things kids say...you should read my post titled Yabba Dabba Dooo, it's under "Did he just say that" category.
You'll laugh! :)

It was great to see you last weekend. You looked great-I know you feel big and out of breath and just kind of 'ugh' a lot. There is a point when I'm pregnant when I just look at a flight of stairs & sigh. ha ha When you hold your little one, those thoughts will vanish...almost ;-) Have a great week!

Ram Sam Sam

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