About Me

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Nebraska, United States
A former full-time teacher living her life-long dream of staying at home. And homeschooling to boot! Comments make my day. Thanks for stopping by! kimlepper at gmail.com

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sweet Thang

You get the idea.


Mammasita said...

Ahhhh, warms my heart.

Granddad said...

Sweet as country sunshine and twice as bright!

home tutors said...

hi it sounds good.

Robin said...

What a tender story these photos tell.

It almost makes me miss the days when my kids were little. Almost.

Then I realize that mine can all feed themselves use the toilet and I get over it.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Simoney said...

Cute photos!! Moments like these you are grateful for the bloggy photo-taking obsession; too sweet not to capture.

Happy SITS day :)

Anonymous said...

This is a great set of shots. I love hugs.

Tracy said...

They grow up so fast! Beautiful photos! ~ Take Care

Alice said...

Oh my gosh! So adorable. These truly are *the moments* when being a mom is the best job in the world. Thank you for sharing! Stopping by from SITS!

LBDDiaries said...

Now I want to pick her up and hug her like she's hugging her puppy! These are great pictures!!! (SITS is great!)

Sandy said...

What a sweet moment to capture!

Eugenia said...

Your baby is just precious!

Emily said...

Congrats on your SITS day. Your daughter is gorgeous. My nephew was born very small, like your daughter, and now he is a huge 5 year old! You would never know.

Elly @ The OCD Chronicles said...

Stopping in from SITS. What sweet pictures! It looks like your little one has a new bff. All I can say is "Awww!"

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