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Nebraska, United States
A former full-time teacher living her life-long dream of staying at home. And homeschooling to boot! Comments make my day. Thanks for stopping by! kimlepper at gmail.com

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Typical Tuesday

To spice things up around here, I've decided to do a "Typical Tuesday" where I pose a question to my readers. The teacher in me just can't help but make sure you are all paying attention. :) I need participation, people!!

So, this week...I've been pondering dressing up Samantha in boy clothes.

That may have sounded a little odd. What I mean is pondering the times that I have dressed her in gender-questionable clothing. For instance, I bought her this to wear because it was $2. Fine, right? Yeah, she looks like a boy, but apparently her denim jumpers make her look like a boy too. Plus it's just PJ's and something she wears around the house.

The pondering has lead me to wonder--if she were a boy, would I be equally ok with dressing her in an obviously girl one, if for the same reasons (ie it's pj's and only at home)? And what about our pink cloth diapers?

I'm not so sure I would be...Why is that?

Whether you have kids or not, would you/have you done either case (and dressing your boy up in a dress in a changing room "Just to see what it looks like" doesn't count.)


Kati said...

The only time our girls have worn boy clothes is when they've had an accident and we're at their boy cousins' house. I wouldn't purposefully do either. I want our girls to be ladies so I try to dress them so - for as long as I can control it, that is. :) I wouldn't put a boy in a pink room, but I would put a girl in a blue room.

Megan said...

Ya know, with Ashley it was strictly girl stuff because she was our first. But oy - the boys have been subjected to girl clothes more times than I can count.

When they were babies we would swaddle them in pink/purple blankets, because who wants to go out and spend more money on receiving blankets. Now they sometimes bring me things of Ashley's that they want to wear. For example, Aidan was running around in Ashley's supergirl costume from Halloween the other day. And yesterday, Owen was insistent on wearing her little mermaid sweatshirt.

At this stage, with three of them outnumbering me, I just gotta do what works. Now taking them out in public looking that way - that's another story. ;-)

That Married Couple said...

I knew a couple who refused to dress their baby girl in anything but androgynous clothing. She was usually in khakis and greens and no bows, which meant that most people thought she was a little boy. I think that's a pity. As you point out, I seriously doubt they'd dress her in pink if she was a boy!

But if you're just around the house, and especially if you have a bunch of kids, I don't think there's any problem with it!

Jenny Lynn said...

Izzie wore blue, trucks and fire engines to bed for an entire winter because we had places for our money to be beside new PJ's. But, for some reason, when Daniel was born and the only thick baby blankets we had were varying tones of pink, we reallocated funds for blue ones.

Something about a "Tom Boy" is cute, but a baby boy in pink... (I'm sure this will change when the girls get older!)

Granddad said...

Hmmmm....have to check with Grandma to get all the details...but I seem to remember that Jenna was dressed in hand me downs from her brothers from time to time...though usually the more neutral colors like yellow toddler clothes... My guidance is that if you don't want folks guessing wrong in public places....dress the baby in gender appropriate colors. At home or at friends....whatever is clean and dry works...

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