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Nebraska, United States
A former full-time teacher living her life-long dream of staying at home. And homeschooling to boot! Comments make my day. Thanks for stopping by! kimlepper at gmail.com

Thursday, February 18, 2010

9 Months

In 3 months baby will be a year. Wow. I'm finding myself saying "I miss being pregnant."

But am always quick to add, "NOT the newborn stage yet, though!!"

(Anyone who had a newborn that slept and doesn't understand what I mean just needs to slowly move away from the comment button!!)

So, nine month stats:

She weighs 14lbs, 12(ish) oz. (That's 2nd percentile!)

No clue how tall, just that she's too long for her 6 month pants.

The 24 oz of solids a day has finally calmed down. We're down to 12-15 oz a day.

She fits some 3-6 mo clothes yet (mainly because I'm not ready to pack them away) and 6-9 fits her, but are generally very loose in the waist region.

She CAN sit up and did for two whole days. She must have re-set herself the second night, though, as she is back to refusing to sit up.

She can't crawl, just does this:

(She's lucky she doesn't have carpet burn on her face!)

She loves doing this:

Is horribly afraid of this:

And her newest trick is this:

As far as baby sign language goes, she recognizes the sign for "nurse" (and did it in her sleep once), can do "more" and "all done"- but I'm pretty sure she has them mixed up.

She'll do "yea" again when she feels like it, loves giving me her phone for me to talk on it and squeals with delight at pictures/videos of babies (especially if they are of HER-little narcissist).

Oh, and if I put my phone on speaker-phone, she goes nuts jabbering (especially if it's daddy)! SO cute!


Granddad said...

Hmmmmm...terrorizing my granddaughter with a fuzzy bear! Behave or I'll have to kidnap her and bring her to Texas...where the sun shines warmly and scary bears...and clowns...are not allowed!

Julie said...

Your daughter is beautiful. I wish blogging was around when Mike was born. Sure would of been cool to have that for the past 17 years. Enjoy your daughter every single second because they seem to grow up very fast.
Take care and have a blessed evening.

Beccalynn said...

Wow, my 5 month old is 15 pounds and my doctor is thinking she's too little...but she did start at 9... anyway, I love seeing other mom's baby stats! It's so cool to see that there are others out there going through what I am!

And I can't say that I miss the newborn stage because my daughter was colicky when she was awake, so the fact that she slept for long periods during the night was my saving grace.

Pregnancy, however...I HATED being pregnant! It was the worst feeling I have ever gone through! I absolutely abhorred it! So I'm jealous that you miss it because it means it was a good experience for you! :-D

Beccalynn said...

...and oh my goodness, she is precious!!!

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