9 Month Stats
Charlotte. 28.5" Tall (90th%) 18lbs 13 oz (70%) Six teeth (no more vampire grin to show off) She can squeeze into some 6-12 month clothes, but wears mostly 12 month (some 18 month clothes). |
To Samantha you are "Sharlie".
You love paper. And keys. And BabyMums, Puffs, cups with straws, my coffee cup, baths, oatmeal, and your sister. But not in that order. But it all goes in your mouth. Well, not your sister, but I'm sure you'd try if she'd stop long enough.
I think you already have allergies, my poor baby. Within seconds of going outside your nose is running and your eyes tear up. You've mastered the allergy salute. It's lucky that you get so excited to take a bath every night. And I plan on nursing you as long as you'd like, as I know that will help as well.
Mom! This has a TAG on it!!! |
The Grin |
I just can't help myself and end up making her food every week. Slowly but surely she's just eating what we eat, but we're holding off on things with soy, dairy and corn for her. |
So, although I can't prove it, you do know how to sign "all-done", "more", "milk", "bye bye", "bath-time" and "down". I've even heard you say "all-done", "bye" and "bath-time".
Tricks? What tricks. You have the camera, I ain't showin' you NUTTIN'. |
And your legs. They talk. When strangers talk to you, you give them a blank stare, but I know you are excited to see them as your legs go wild. And when your smile doesn't suffice to show how pleased you are, your legs join in to make sure we know. Whoever is holding has to hold on tight- you still make no effort to hang on because your legs must be free to kick at the speed that correlates to your level of excitement.
1 comment:
Nice pics....
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