About Me

My photo
Nebraska, United States
A former full-time teacher living her life-long dream of staying at home. And homeschooling to boot! Comments make my day. Thanks for stopping by! kimlepper at gmail.com

Monday, August 9, 2010

Welcome SITS Ladies!!

Many of you may have noticed a few new things around here- the most obvious being me. I never thought blogging would be so...so...so similar to homework at times! I'd gotten behind and there was so much to blog about, I almost contemplated giving it up-- I had 8 unfinished blogs and several buzzing around in my head. I just didn't know where to start!

Then I got The E-mail-- I was on the schedule to be Queen for a Day! I suddenly got the urge to clean the house, in preparation for the 400+ visitors to pop in. After vacuuming, sweeping and dusting, I then got to work on the blog.

A new background, some extra gadgets, and blogs posted/scheduled- and I think I'm ready.


For those of you who don't know what SITS is, visit them here! I've found some fabulous blogs and "met" some wonderful ladies who make me feel special by leaving me comments every now and then (you can check them out on the right there).

Ladies, feel free to mosey around. To get a good feel of what kind of stuff goes on around here, check out the following:

1) My genius daughter, talking at 3 months

2) My life with colic

3) My unforgettable six-year-old sister Lucy

4) The occasional snippet on health issues

5) Typical Tuesdays, where I ask for help/opinions

I do ask that you don't leave spam (eg: "Nice/cute/adorable/funny blog! Please stop by mine!").

After all, I just cleaned! :)


Mayra said...

Hey there! I alread follow you but wanted to congratulate you on your SITS day! Enjoy!!

Your little one is definitely a genius. That is about the cutest video ever!! Off to read some more.

Have a lovely week!

Robin said...

Congratulations on your special day. I hope it brings you lots of new followers and friends.

Your blog is beautiful. I'm off to check it out.

Oh, and by the way, that baby photo on the SITS site is absolutely awesome!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day^^ Hope you enjoy it.


Cheryl D. said...

Happy SITS Day! Make it a great one!

Niki said...

Congratulations on your SITS day!

JoJo said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

Melissa said...

That video with your daughter at 3 months old is just so precious! My son is a year old and when he repeats what we say - tries to anyway - it just warms my heart. It's really funny when we say, "Hudson, can you say Mommy?" Sometimes he smiles and shakes his head no. Too cute!

Enjoy your SITS day!

Rachel Cotterill said...

Happy SITS day! I don't think I've been here before, so I'm off to have a look around :)

Rheanna Bristol said...

Congrats on your sits day. I love the spa pics. Totally cute!
I'll follow!

heather@actingbalanced.com said...

Hey, great to find you - can totally relate to your colic post and love the idea of typical tuesdays! happy SItS day!

Amanda said...

Congrats on your SITS Day. I love the new background on your blog. The orange is very energetic.

MrsBlogAlot said...

You cleaned up beautifully! Beautiful blog (I bet it's nice even when it's messy (-:)

Enjoy your SITS day!!!

Katie said...

Happy SITS day! Looking at pictures of Samantha this morning was a great way to start the week - how precious! You've done a great job on your blog :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day! I always feel better after I clean up a little. The blog looks great!

Unknown said...

Kudos to you for setting down some ground rules for your commenters.

I can't stand it when I get comments that look more like an advertisement for someone else's blog rather than a genuine exchange of support.

When it comes to leaving comments I firmly believe that it is all about quality...not quantity.

Broot said...

Happy SITS day!! I love the "I love you" very cute! :)

Moondancer said...

Many thanks for the warm welcome, and congrats on being featured at the SITS site. That's where I learned about your virtual home.

I've pulled up my virtual chair, and will pop to check out a few of yours posts before my day kicks off.

I can relate to not having the "textbook baby" my daughter didn't sleep too much the first four months of her life. I remember those days well, and the lack of sleep too (yawn.) ;)

Moondancer said...

Many thanks for the warm welcome, and congrats on being featured at the SITS site. That's where I learned about your virtual home.

I've pulled up my virtual chair, and will pop to check out a few of yours posts before my day kicks off.

I can relate to not having the "textbook baby" my daughter didn't sleep too much the first four months of her life. I remember those days well, and the lack of sleep too (yawn.) ;)

Margaret Almon said...

Happy SITS Day! I really like seeing the interaction on your blog with granddad, and the rest of your family. My parents moved to Canada when I was a baby, and all my grandparents were in Texas--a blog would've been a great way to keep in touch, but that wasn't possible in 1969!

Christina Lee said...

AWWW! Enjoy your day!

KimMalk said...

Hi- so glad you tidied up for us :). I hope you're having a wonderful day.

Angie - The Work at Home Wife said...

Happy SITS Day. I was only going to stop in for a quick read and somehow I think I have been here for an hour. Great blog!

The Insatiable Host said...

HAPPY SITS DAY!!!! It's just amazing when something like this happens...you never know when a great thing is just around the corner. Great things happen to those who wait!



Julie M. said...

Talking at three months? I HAVE to check that out! You really look like you have a great little home for yourself here and I can't wait to check out your site a bit more! Enjoy your SITS day!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe said...

Happy SITS day! Enjoy all your new visitors!

Melissa Haak said...

Happy SITS Day! Enjoy it!

PJ Mommy said...

congratulations on your sits day this blog looks great I can't wait to read more!

Amanda said...

You swept and dusted before blogging? Ugh I wish I had your priorities!

Shayna said...

Not sure what your blog looked like before, but I love the current layout! Very easy to navigate, fast to load and it features my personal favorite color orange :-)

Karen said...

Congrats on your SITS day. Loved that last comment, you took the words right out of my mouth. I think I've had a few comments that were the equivalent of a form letter-I think I just coined a new term, the form comment!

Enjoy being Queen for the Day!

Sara R. said...

Happy SITS day!

Marsha said...

Happy SITS Day! You did a great job of cleaning! Maybe I'll get motivated?

Amanda said...

happy SITS day. love the pics of your little one, what a doll!

Kerri said...

Happy SITS Day! I didn't know that was spam, I just thought it was poor taste! : )
Off to read more!

Laura said...

Congratulations on your SITS Day! You didn't have to do any special cleaning just for us:)

My first baby (now 20) had colic that seemed to last an eternity. Nothing seemed to help except when my mom would place Hollie on her chest (big boobs) and rock her. I felt bad as a first time mother because I don't have big boobs & I couldn't get her to stop crying.

But that soon passed. Just wait until her teen years. You ain't seen nothing yet! :)

Kmama said...

Happy SITS day. Love that video of your little one. Definitely a genius.

Ms. Understood said...

Congrats on your SITS day!!! I totally heard her say I love you (lol, I started clapping like a ninny). I hope you have loads and loads of visitors today.

bj said...

Happy happy SITS day...enjoy all the bloggy love.
xo bj

Jennifer said...

That is a great tag line. I love that saying, "man plans, God laughs." So true.

Tell Me Something Good said...

Your sister is hilarious!!! I love her take on life. Oh to have the easy spirit for a child again. I really wish free and sale was the same. I'd like to hit up some "frees" online today :)

Enjoy your SITS day and congrats!

Kitty Deschanel said...

LOL! I just watched your "Talking at 3 Months" video. It sounds like "I love you" to me! Amazing! :)

And don't feel bad. Awful is a trick word to spell ;)

Happy SITS Day! I love the clean, fun layout of your site. The little bar at the top is too cute!

Lamb’s Most Recent Post: Is It Dead?

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day, I'm a new visitor but I really love your blog. It's very refreshing, and your spa girls were absolutely adorable.^^

Tracy @ Hall of Fame Moms said...

Here from Sits! I was checking out your Typical Tuesdays and left a comment over there. Back to check out another post ;)

Beth's Blog said...

Happy Sits day!!!!!!! :)

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day!
Can't wait to read more!

Unknown said...

Congrats on being Queen for the Day! That is so cool. Love the background on your blog. And your kids are adorable. I am new to SITS and your blog. I am so happy I stopped by!

Christina said...

Happy SITS day!

LBDDiaries said...

Happy SITS to you!! Been enjoying some of your postings! Going to go check out more now.

Crownd Vic said...

Happy SITS day! Your daughter is adorable. Love your blog!!

Anonymous said...

"Pope, priest. Same thing." Hilarious! My grandmother is currently rolling over in her grave at me laughing at that, by the way.

I think it's so cool that you have a little sister that you get to spend so much time with. what a gift that normally doesn't happen.

off to read some more. and maybe watch Sam say I Love you again because that was stinkin' cute.

Unknown said...

I laugh, too, when my daughter "helps" Diego! Happy SITS day!

AmberRay said...

Happy SITS Day! Look forward to learning more about you.

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day!

Missy@Wonder, Friend said...

Happy SITS Day! I hope you enjoy it!

Ahh, the hairdryer killed me. We used to have a CD of loud noises (Happiest Baby on the Block). I remember strapping that kid in the sling and vacuuming... Parenting is not for sissies!

An Imperfect Momma said...

Happy SITS Day! Already a follower!:o)

Kandice said...

Happy Sits day! :) Your daughter is adorable! I'll be back often to check for updates!

Tractor Mom said...

Happy SITS Day!

I'm a sucker for cute kiddos! So I'm a new follower! I love sharing kid stories and being apart of SITS helps me find great blogs like yours!

Come by when you can....


Anjie said...

A very happy SITS Day to you!! That video of your daughter was ADORABLE!! I'm off to check out the rest of your blog. So far, it's fantastic!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Dropping by from SITS to wish you a very happy SITS day!

Alana, Author of Domestically Challenged said...

Happy SITS day!! I love the background - nice upgrade! :)

Megan said...

Yay!!!!!! It's your SITS day! Enjoy it - it's a bit overwhelming but awesome. You already know I love your blog and stalk you often. :-)

P.S. Love the new background - fancy!

Mandi Miller said...

Congratulations on your SITS Day! You have a beautiful family! I love the video of your daughter saying "I love you"... she really is a genius!!!

Vicki @ Grams Made It said...

Stopping by from SITS. Congrats on your SITS day. I love your spa day idea for the youngsters. I don't know how you have time to blog with little ones. I don't think I could have done it!

Anonymous said...

VERY cute video!!! Happy SITS Day! I love the pictures you capture as well- very cute!!! Enjoy your special day!

Patricia said...

Happy SITS day! I love the backgorund.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Colic? You poor thing. My daughter cried a lot but she didn't cry all day at least. Though some days it felt like it.

Happy SITS Day to you!

Anonymous said...

happy sits day to you, love the groovy background!!


mangiabella said...

Happy SITS day sweet bella! Your daughter is a bonafied genius LOL - I could totally hear her "i loooove uuuu" - and I so related to your colic post - I have a 2 yr old and a 5 month old who both seemed to have to have the belly bubble blues....one thing that totally helped me was the sleep lady book "good night sleep tight" by kim west...her simple tips turned our world around for the better, instant sleep, and well rested parents are happy parents lol. A few of her feeding tips and other tips helped us get things on track for all of us - viva la sleep lady!

off to read more of your wonderful blog, have a glorious day!!!

Sandy said...

I'm really enjoying my visit to your blog! Congrats on your special day!

Staci said...

I don't think I could handle my child talking at 3 months. Once she started at whatever age she started, she hasn't stopped. My son won't talk until he's 20, she does all his talking, too! YIKES!
She's a cutie though.
Visiting from SITS, so HAPPY SITS DAY!!!

Karin said...

Happy SITS Day! I love your blog, it's so bright and cheery!


Congrats on your day!! I can already see that your little one is such a character :) We lived through colic too, so I'll be checking out that post for sure!

Evelyn said...

Happy SITS Day to you! Your blog is adorable.

Sarah said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Your baby is so cute. I love that your blog chronicles your baby's life.

The Mommyologist said...

That video of your daughter was so cool!!! Congrats on your SITS day!

Elz said...

Well, since you cleaned and everything...commenting from SITS. Congrats on your feature.

OMG! Yummy said...

Happy SITS day! Good for you for keeping a chronicle of your time with your baby who will soon be a toddler, child, tween, teen...OH MY. I can tell you it goes fast so enjoy every minute and I think you are!

jmt said...

I really like the orange/yellow you've got going on. It's bright, it's sunny....makes me smile.

I'm off to read a few links. Happy SITS day and Happy Monday.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Congratulations on your day to shine with SITS!

Kelly@MentalGarbage said...

Happy SITS Day!!! The "I Love You" video was too cute!! I can't wait to hop around and read more :-)

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your day! And while having a daughter say "I love you" at three months is quite a miracle, the real trick is keeping her from saying "I hate you" at 13 years! (Just kidding. I've really enjoyed raising my teenagers.)

And your header is exactly right: God lets us plan, and then He says, "Wasn't that fun? OK, now here's what we're REALLY gonna do...")

Melanie said...

Happy SITS day!! Congrats to you for getting rid of debt. It is not easy!! We are trying to pay off 1 vehicle and sometimes its hard to send a $500 payment instead of getting that piece of furniture or tv or whatnot that I think I need. Keep at it, it'll be worth it!

OwningSingle said...

Congratulations on your day. Cute baby! I am on the revmove debt train as well.

Jacki said...

Here from Sits. I loved your story on colic. I think everyone mom gets to that breaking point based on something, days when you just feel like you could never go on. Then your child smiles, giggles, or does some other wonderful little thing and you know that everything is right in the world. Keep up the good work and good luck with that camera!

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

I am a fellow mother of a baby who had colic (and reflux, and excema, chronic constipation, food allergies) and it is SO TRYING!!!! I completely related to everything you wrote in your post about colic. I wish I had discovered blogging when we were going through it because it would have helped me to feel not alone and that we would all survive. I, too, feel jealousy and amazement when I'm around "easy" babies. Just like what your mom told you, one day, I remember telling my husband that we must have been given our son by God because he knew we could handle it and we would love him no matter what and what if he were with people without our patience and skills, and my husband started crying. I'll never forget it. Well, I am going on and on. Happy SITS day!!!! Enjoy!

Heather and Daniel said...

Happy SITS, your daughter is such a cutie.

Beth Zimmerman said...

You tidied up really nicely! :) Love the look and feel of your blog (even though I am a renowned despiser of most things orange) and your header text was enough to make me subscribe immediately! :)

Nicole said...

Awww your little babies are adorable! I also really like hte clean organized style of your blog. I could use your help! lol Stopping by and following from SITS.

AngiDe said...

Congrat's on your SITS day! Isn't it amazing how a blog that starts out as something for the grandies, can turn into something so much more??

PS I have some awesome headbands for your sweet little girl! Come check them out!


Mandy said...

Happy SITS day! Adorable blog!!!:)

North of 25A said...

Congratulations on your SITS day! I look forward to getting to know you - nice to "meet" you.

Cara said...

Found your blog from SITS, and I just HAD to comment because my son had colic too. It was so miserable....one of the most difficult times for my husband and I. My little guy is 3 now, but I think I still have a little PTSD from the days of colic. He would scream for hours on end, no matter how much we held him...we had to take 15 minute "shifts" just to give each other a break from the screaming, and I heard "phantom" screams in my sleep. Can't say I miss those days much! Hope things are looking up now! Congrats on your SITS day.

ella said...

Happy SITS day! I have really enjoyed your blog.

Your sugar cubes post was a real eye-opener, I'm going to be counting up the sugar I consume now every time I have something off that list!

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

I am going to be your newest follower. Happy Sits day!

I hope you enjoy it.

Jessica said...

I just love the everyday feel of your blog, it's so encouraging to hear from people that are just walking it one day at a time like me.

Happy SITS day!

Gringation Cancun said...

Love your background!!!

Hello from Mexico :) Happy SITS day!

Allyson & Jere said...

Congrats on your SITS day! So exciting!

Love your little sister already, she seems like a total crackup.

LOVED your post on colic. I'm grateful I didn't suffer that with my 2 kids, but know many who have. Glad to see you made it through alive.

Your daughter is clearly genius, loved the video of her "talking."

Cute blog, no really...it is!

Eliz Frank said...

Happy SITS Day and Congrats on your special moment. You have a lovely blog here and this template and coloring rocks! What is it?
I agree with you that we plan and God decides what's best for us.
One of my twins had colic as a baby and we were worried witless until we calmed her. You have a beautiful daughter and more....

Aimee @ Ain't Yo Mama's Blog said...

Congrats on your SITS Day in the spotlight. I'm a first time visitor and look forward to reading more! Hope you're enjoying your day. =)


Steph said...

Love your Typical Tuesdays posts! What a great idea to get feedback and advice from your readers. I learned a lot...and I love our Hondas too (plural). You have a gorgeous family as well.

Congrats on your SITS Day!

Confessions of a Paper-Crafts Chick said...

Congratulations on your SITS day!

Tonya said...

Happy SITS day! :-) Enjoy it cause it's a lot of fun!

Anna said...

Thanks so much for cleaning for us!:) I do love your blog background. It is so fun and colorful! Your daughter is adorable!

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day, enjoy!!

Missy said...

I have never thought of blogging as homework, but your right...sometimes it can feel that way.
I really love the orange background!

Congrats on your SITS day!

Jenn Erickson said...

Congratulations on your SITS day. I know, I'm a day late and a dollar short, but the back-to-school routine for my two girls has my head spinning, and my hands free of the keyboard these past few days. So glad to have the opportunity to stop by today and say, "hi" and enjoy some of your featured posts. Best, Jenn/Rook No. 17

Seizing My Day said...

another sits visitor! ;) I miss those sweet baby days... when they adorable running around the house in diapers!! Love the diapers and shoes picture!!

Laura @ The Things I Said I'd Never Do said...

I'm a day late, but I hope you enjoyed your SITs day! The picture of your little girl on the SITs page is incredible!

Anonymous said...

I'm stopping by from SITS a little late. I hope you enjoyed your special day!

Elizabeth said...

That must have been amazing to hear your baby talk at 3 months old. Most kids can't even lift their own heads up at that age!

Happy (belated) SITS day!

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