In all honesty, it's probably because subconsciously I'm horribly jealous. She's perfect. Doesn't cry. Sleeps. No allergies. Has daddy's eyes and mommy's mouth. Oh, and she's been smiling on command since she was two weeks:

Let's revisit Sam around the same age:
What, doesn't look that bad? Here' s the sound track of the first 2 months of her life.
(I'm still shocked that the hairdryer didn't short out with the HOURS it ran every day)
Let's do a another comparison, shall we?
(I'm still shocked that the hairdryer didn't short out with the HOURS it ran every day)
Let's do a another comparison, shall we?
Classic Samantha- awake and grumpy

Classic Kahlan...not only sleeping but with a BINKY
Sam at 2 months:
Kahlan at 2 months:
Anyway, she's just too cute and I'm so glad she's here. Sam and Kahlan are gonna have a rockin' good time growing up together.
Or, at least Kahlan will.
Hopefully she'll rub off on Sam a bit.
Or, at least Kahlan will.
Hopefully she'll rub off on Sam a bit.

ooooo, just wait, I bet your little girl potty trains faster than her cousin or something, and then her mom can be jealous of you. lol. they are both too cute!
visiting from SITS!
Love your blog title!! Following you from Friday Follow! Have a BLESSED weekend!
Cindy :)
Stopped by to follow
What a cute blog. I love this means of keeping in touch with family that is from a distance.
@Buttons and Bows
Adorable pictures. I had a grumpy one early and you'd never know it now.
Stopping by from Friday Follow; I'm now following though I've been here before. Come Visit.
It's amazing how different babies can be, isn't it? I wouldn't have thought of the hairdryer. That's too funny...although I'm sure it didn't seem that way at the time. :P
awwww beautiful family you have! Happy Friday Follow! May God continue blessing you and your family! :).....Raquel
Look at these precious babies!
My oldest was a CRANK who NEVER slept. It's a miracle I had any more kids.
Google Friend Connect is acting up for me right now- so, I'll be back to follow you!
What adorable babies! I agree, God does have a great sense of humor.....
I found you through Friday Follow - nice to meet you!
Would you follow me back?
What a CUTIE!!!!
Oh, and I wish I knew how to knit. I mean, I can knit basic things like scarves and even a dish cloth but when I look at knitting patterns it's SO greek to me!!!
A friend of mine is an amazing knitter and she says she's going to knit me a wool cover! I'm so excited! If I only knew how to knit it myself...
LOL! They are both adorable! My little man is a fussy one too these past - oh my word hes 3mos today! Well these past 3mos have been trying - fun but trying. :o) Following you back...and happy SITS Saturday Sharefest.
They are both so cute and adorable!
I'm following you from Friday Follow!
Thanks for following me from FF, I am following you!
What a cutie! I miss when my little guy was that he's almost 2! It goes way too quickly!
wow. they could be sisters! sweet.
visiting from sits!
What a Beautiful Smile she does have and my son love to hear the vacuum cleaner lullaby.
Following from Friday Follow and looking forward to your posts.
Cute pics. Even the grumpy ones! Following you from Friday FOllow.
Hi there! Thanks for joining the Blog Hop. I'm following you now. Love your blog. I'll be back later to read more.
Happy Follow Friday!
I'm a little late but I'm stopping by from Friday Follow. :)
I/m here - Better late than never!
Stopping by from Fri Follows - I'm a new follower! Love to have you stop by:
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